Case study

True Sage

The client

True Sage, Inc., a renowned company in the field of behavioral wellness, provides comprehensive mental health solutions tailored for larger healthcare providers.


True Sage is a B2B company, directed toward healthcare providers, insurance companies, and businesses which have their own group insurance.

The outcome

The new website reflects the client’s desire for a smoother user experience, both friendly and uplifting.


Website design and development

The challenge

The client needed a redesigned website to showcase and position its new behavioral wellness app. The existing site was dated and required a more professional look.

The impact

The new look and feel has boosted the company’s confidence to push forward in promoting its wellness product and app, while attracting new investors.

The client

True Sage, Inc., a renowned company in the field of behavioral wellness, provides comprehensive mental health solutions tailored for larger healthcare providers.


Website design and development


True Sage is a B2B company, directed toward healthcare providers, insurance companies, and businesses which have their own group insurance.

The challenge

The client needed a redesigned website to showcase and position its new behavioral wellness app. The existing site was dated and required a more professional look.

The outcome

The new website reflects the client’s desire for a smoother user experience, both friendly and uplifting.

The impact

The new look and feel has boosted the company’s confidence to push forward in promoting its wellness product and app, while attracting new investors.

The client

True Sage, a renowned company in the field of behavioral wellness, specializes in providing cost-effective and comprehensive mental health solutions specifically tailored for larger healthcare professionals and organizations. The company’s core value and unique market position is to provide users with a personalized, holistic program, designed to address the root causes of mental health issues, through personalized service, with positive outcomes.

The client

The challenge

True Sage sensed that its existing site was dated and needed an overhaul. The first step was to make sure that we fully understood who the client is and what their goals are as a B2B company in attracting new users. It was important at this stage not to be initially presumptuous, but clearly listen, and then offer guidance. True Sage already had an idea of who it is, along with its values and goals, but needed help in further clarifying them.


1. True Sage’s existing site was, indeed, dated and needed a more professional, and yet personalized look and feel to reflect it’s commitment to individualized service, in an industry which for too long has been impersonal.

2. True Sage required a new website to serve as a platform highlighting the innovative features of its new app, EnlightenTM.

3. The existing site did not clearly identify the company’s distinction among its competition.

The outcome

The use of images portraying happy individuals, the carefully selected color palette, and the open layout and design all work together to enhance the user experience and reinforce True Sage’s core principles.

The color palette consists of blues, with a golden rod accent, which helps convey a sense of trust and warmth.

The modern DM Sans typeface conveys a sense of innovation and forward-thinking.

Home page

The hero section, above the fold, is the most important area of the website, as its job is to engage visitors, so they stay on the page and not bounce off.

This section features images of the new app and joyful expressions, along with the unique value proposition.

The circled photos depict a sense of wholeness. The swirl motif is a take off on the leaves in the logo.

Good idea to do some flexing right away.

The headline and photo are set in the column next to the copy block, creating a rest stop for the eye. This layout is repeated and staggered throughout the page and site.

The blue colors, swirl motif, and button style are extended from the hero section, establishing a continuity in the design.

This section layout is the same as the one above to establish continuity, but reversed to create visual interest. The background is a light gray. The pattern is continued below.

The large quotation marks add visual interest through contrast with the copy. The blue rectangle adds contrast to the sections above and below.

This section introduces the app, Enlightn™.

The video helps explain ACE’s and toxic stress, designed to help educate viewers, while holding their attention. The call-to-action takes them to the ACE test, where they can see and learn about their score result.

The layout, design and visual elements are repeated in these two sections, from above.

Testimonials are repeated to reenforce social confirmation.

The circled happy faces with yellow border continue the motif, established in the hero section.

The impact

The new look and feel of the website have played a crucial role in instilling a renewed sense of confidence within True Sage. The enhanced website has, not only bolstered True Sage’s confidence in promoting its wellness product, but also acted as a catalyst for attracting new investors.

“I’m a solopreneur and like being able to update and make minor changes to my website as needed. For years I’ve used WordPress because it is fairly user-friendly, but I wanted a pro to set up the site and make it look, well, professional! Mark Goodkin did a great job of designing my new website that looks sharp, has the features I want, and is easy to navigate. It is a breeze communicating with Mark by e-mail and he’s reasonably priced, too. I highly recommend Goodkin Design!”

~ Jeff Evans, Owner of Jeff Evans Interactive Magic

You helped me reach an important goal for True Sage, which is specifically to get our company an organized and professional website.

With a solid website, your professionalism and conscientiousness impressed me and my team so much that we are referring colleagues to you and moving another of our new companies to you for a new website.

~ Dr. Brian Alman – Founder of True Sage